Dor D., Booth D.T., Schwanz L.E. 2024 Swimming through sand: using accelerometers to observe the cryptic, preemergence life-stage of sea turtle hatchlings. Proc. R. Soc. B 291: 20241702.
Chan, R.L., Hodgson, M., and L.E. Schwanz. 2024. The two environmental drivers of thermoregulatory costs: interactions between thermal mean and heterogeneity influence thermoregulation. Function Ecology 38: 1697-1707.
Pottier, P., Noble, D.W.A, Seebacher, F., Wu, N.C., Burke, S., Lagisz, M., Schwanz, L.E., Drobniak, S.M., and S. Nakagawa. 2024. New horizons for comparative studies and meta-analyses. Trends in Ecology and Evolution in press
Hodgson, M.J., and L.E. Schwanz. 2024. Best of both worlds: Acclimation to fluctuating environments confers advantages and minimizes costs of constant environments. Functional Ecology 38: 724-738.
Crowther, C., S. Bonser, and L.E. Schwanz. 2024. Plasticity and the adaptive evolution of switchlike reaction norms under environmental change. Evolution Letters8:64 - 75.
Wild, KH, JH Roe, L Schwanz, E Rodgers, DSB Dissanayake, A Georges, SD Sarre, and DWA Noble.2023. Metabolic consequences of sex-reversal in two lizard species: a test of the like genotype and like phenotype hypotheses. Journal of Experimental Biology 226(13):jeb245657. doi: 10.1242/jeb.245657
Flores-Moreno H, Dalrymple RL, Cornwell WK, Popovic G, Nakagawa S, Atkinson J, Cooke J, Laffan SW, Bonser SP, Schwanz LE, Crean AJ, Eldridge DJ, Garratt M, Brooks RC, Vergés A, Poore AGB, Cohen DR, Clark GF, Sen Gupta A, Reich PB, Cornelissen JHC, Craine JM, Hemmings FA, Kattge J, Niinemets &, Peñuelas J and Moles AT. 2023. Is Australia weird? A cross-continental comparison of biological, geological and climatological features. Front. Ecol. Evol. 11:1073842. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1073842
Pottier, P., Burke, S, Zhang, R., Noble, D. W. A.,Schwanz, L. E., Drobniak, S. M., & Nakagawa, S. 2022. Developmental plasticity in thermal tolerance: ontogenetic variation, persistence, and future directions. Ecology Letters 25:2245-2268.
Raynal, R.S., L.E. Schwanz, J.L. Riley, K.D. L. Umbers. 2022. Genetic and environmental drivers of colour and pattern in the Australian jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35:1229-1239.
Schwanz, L.E., A. Gunderson, M. Iglesias-Carrasco, M.A. Johnson, J.D. Kong, J. Riley, and N.C. Wu. 2022. Best practices for building and curating databases for comparative analyses. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(Suppl_1):jeb243295.
Raynal, R.S., D.W.A. Noble, J.L. Riley, A.M. Senior, D.A. Warner, G.M. While, and L.E. Schwanz. 2022. Impact of fluctuating developmental temperatures on phenotypic traits in reptiles: A meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(Suppl_1):jeb243369.
Wild, K.H., J.H. Roe, L.E. Schwanz, A. Georges, and S.D. Sarre. 2022. Evolutionary stability inferred for a free ranging lizard with sex-reversal. Molecular Ecology 31: 2281-2292.
Noble, D.W.A., A.M. Senior, T. Uller, and L.E. Schwanz. 2021. Heightened among-individual variation in life history but not morphology is related to developmental temperature in reptiles. Journal of Evolutionary Biology34:1793-1802. doi: 10.1111/jeb.13938.
Schwanz, L.E., and A. Georges. 2021. Sexual development and the environment: conclusions from 40 years of theory. Sexual Development 15:7-22.
Whiteley, S.L., A. Georges, V. Weisbecker, L.E. Schwanz, and C.E. Holleley. 2021. Ovotestes suggest cryptic genetic influence in a reptile model for temperature-dependent sex determination. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288:20202819.
Schwanz, L.E., J. Crawford-Ash, and T. Gale. 2020. Context dependence of transgenerational plasticity: the influence of parental temperature depends on offspring environment and sex. Oecologia 194:391-401.
Liu, G., K. Cain, and L.E. Schwanz. 2020. Maternal Temperature, Corticosterone, and Body Condition as Mediators of Maternal Effects in Jacky Dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 93:434-449.
Schwanz, L.E., A. Georges, C.E. Holleley, and S.D. Sarre. 2020. Climate change, sex reversal and lability of sex‐determining systems. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 270-281
Hodgson M.J., and L.E. Schwanz. 2019. Drop it like it's hot: Interpopulation variation in thermal phenotypes shows counter-gradient pattern. Journal of Thermal Biology83:178-186.
So, C.K.J., and L.E. Schwanz. 2018. Thermal plasticity due to parental and early-life environments in an Australian lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus). Journal of Experimental Zoology 329(6-7):308-316.
While, G.M., D.W.A. Noble, T. Uller, D.A. Warner, J.L. Riley, W.-G. Du, and L.E. Schwanz. 2018. Patterns of developmental plasticity in response to incubation temperature in reptiles. Journal of Experimental Zoology 329(4-5):162-176.
Noble, D.W.A., V. Stenhouse, J.E. Riley, D.W. Warner, G.M. While, W.-G. Du, T. Uller, and L.E. Schwanz. 2018. A comprehensive database of thermal developmental plasticity in reptiles. Scientific Data5:17.
Schwanz, L.E., M.J. Hodgson, and A. May. 2018. Costs of thermoregulation in variable thermal environments in the jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus). Journal of Zoology 305(4):267-273.
Hooper, A., J. Lehtonen, L.E. Schwanz, R. Bonduriansky. 2018. Sexual competition and the evolution of condition-dependent ageing. Evolution Letters 2:37-48.
Lehtonen, J., and L.E. Schwanz. 2018. Mate limitation and sex ratio evolution. Royal Society Open Science 5:171135.
Merkling, T., S. Nakagawa, M. Lagisz, and L.E. Schwanz. 2018. Maternal testosterone and offspring sex-ratio in birds and mammals: a meta-analysis. Evolutionary Biology 45:96-104.
McDonald, S.A., L.E. Schwanz. 2018. Thermal parental effects on offspring behaviour and their fitness consequences. Animal Behaviour 135:45-55.
Noble, D.W.A., V. Stenhouse, L.E. Schwanz. 2018. Developmental temperatures and phenotypic plasticity in reptiles: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biological Reviews 93:72-97. doi 10.1111/brv.12333
Schwanz, L.E. 2016. Parental thermal environment alters offspring sex ratio and fitness in an oviparous lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 2349-2357. doi: 10.1242/jeb.139972
Boyle, M., L.E. Schwanz, J. Hone, and A. Georges. 2016. Dispersal and climate warming determine range shift in model reptile populations. Ecological Modelling 328:34-43. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.02.011
Schwanz, L.E., G.A. Cordero, E.L. Charnov, F.J. Janzen. 2016. Sex-specific survival to maturity and the evolution of environmental sex determination. Evolution 70:329–341.
Schwanz, L.E., K.A. Robert. 2016. Costs of rearing the wrong sex: cross-fostering to manipulate offspring sex in tammar wallabies. PLoS ONE 11: e0146011.
Schwanz, L.E., W.B. Sherwin, K. Ognenovska, E.A. Lacey. 2016. Paternity and male mating strategies in a ground squirrel (Ictidomys parvidens) with an extended mating season. Journal of Mammalogy 97 (2): 576-588.
Halstead, J.E., L.E. Schwanz. 2015. Impacts of thermal limitation on thermoregulatory behaviour and reproductive success in a lizard. Australian Journal of Zoology 63:225-232.
Schwanz, L.E. 2015. Review: The Evolution of Sex Determination by Leo W. Beukeboom and Nicolas Perrin. Quarterly Review of Biology 90:333-334.
Tan, W.C., L.E. Schwanz. 2015. Thermoregulation across thermal environments in a nocturnal gecko. Journal of Zoology 296:208-216.
Boyle, M. , J. Hone, L.E. Schwanz, and A. Georges. 2014. Under what conditions do climate-driven sex ratios enhance versus diminish population persistence? Ecology and Evolution 4: 4522-4533.
Harts, A.M.F., L.E. Schwanz, and H. Kokko. 2014. Demography can favour female-advantageous alleles. Proceedings B 281 (1790).
Esquerré, D., J.S. Keogh and L.E. Schwanz. 2014. The influence of incubation temperature on morphological, physiological and behavioural traits in jacky dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus). Journal of Thermal Biology 43:33-39
Schwanz, L.E., K.A. Robert. 2014. Proximate and ultimate explanations of mammalian sex allocation in a marsupial model. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:1085-1096. doi: 10.1007/s00265-014-1720-0
Roche, DG, Lanfear, R, Binning, SA, Haff, TM, Schwanz, LE, Cain, KE, Kokko, H, Jennions, MD, Kruuk, LEB. 2014. Troubleshooting public data archiving: suggestions to increase participation. PLoS Biology 12(1): e1001779. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001779
Schwanz, L.E. 2013. Untangling the links between climate and demography for reptiles with environmental sex determination. Animal Conservation 16:495-497. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12081
Schwanz, L.E., T. Ezaz, B. Gruber, A. Georges. 2013. Novel evolutionary transitions between sex-determining mechanisms. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:2544-2557. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12258
Kahn, A., L.E. Schwanz, and H. Kokko. 2013. Paternity protection can provide a kick-start for the evolution of male-only parental care. Evolution 67:2207-2217. DOI: 10.1111/evo.12103
Robert, K.A., and L.E. Schwanz. 2013. Monitoring the health status of free-ranging Tammar wallabies using haematology, serum biochemistry and parasite loads. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1232-1243.
Booksmythe, I., L.E. Schwanz, and H. Kokko. 2013. The complex interplay of sex allocation and sexual selection. Evolution 67:673-678. DOI: 10.1111/evo.12003.
Schwanz, L.E. and K.A. Robert. 2012. Reproductive ecology of wild tammar wallabies in natural and developed habitats on Garden Island, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 60:111-119.
Schwanz, L.E., A. Previtali, M. Gomes-Solecki, D. Brisson, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2012. Immunochallenge reduces risk sensitivity during foraging in white-footed mice. Animal Behaviour 83:155-161.
Schwanz, L.E. , M.J. Voordouw, D. Brisson, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2011. Borrelia burgdorferi has minimal impact on the Lyme disease reservoir host Peromyscus leucopus. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 11:117-124. doi:10.1089/vbz.2009.0215
Schwanz, L.E., S. McGaugh, D. Warner, R. Di-Terlizzi, and A. Bronikowski. 2011. State-dependent physiological maintenance in a long-lived ectotherm, the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). Journal of Experimental Biology 214:88-97. Featured in “Inside JEB”, Short-listed (1 of 8) for JEB Outstanding Paper Prize
Schwanz, L E. , D. Brisson, M. Gomes-Solecki, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2011. Linking disease and community ecology through behavioural indicators: immunochallenge of white-footed mice and its ecological impacts. Journal of Animal Ecology 80:204-214. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01745.x
Robert, K.A., and L.E. Schwanz. 2011. Emerging sex allocation research in mammals: marsupials and the pouch advantage. Mammal Review 41(1):1-22.
Schwanz, L.E. , R.-J. Spencer, R.M. Bowden, and F.J. Janzen. 2010. Climate and predation dominate early life-stages and adult recruitment in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination: insight from a long-term study. Ecology 91:3016-3026.
Schwanz, L.E. , F.J. Janzen, and S.R. Proulx. 2010. Sex allocation based on relative and absolute condition. Evolution 64:1331-1345. doi 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00916.x
Robert, K.A., L.E. Schwanz, and H. R. Mills. 2010. Offspring sex varies with maternal investment ability: empirical demonstration based on cross-fostering. Biology Letters 6:242-245. doi 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0774. Popular press coverage in ABC Science and Science Alert
McGaugh, S., L.E. Schwanz, R.M. Bowden, J.E. Gonzalez, and F.J. Janzen. 2010. Inheritance of nesting behaviour across natural environmental variation in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277:1219-1226. doi 10.1098/rspb.2009.1883.
Schwanz, L.E. 2006. Annual cycle of activity, reproduction, and body mass in Mexican ground squirrels (Spermophilus mexicanus). Journal of Mammalogy 87(6):1086-1095.
Schwanz, L.E., and E.A. Lacey. 2003. Olfactory discrimination of gender by colonial tuco-tucos (Ctenomys sociabilis). Mammalian Biology 68 (1): 53-60.