Lisa Schwanz - Lab Leader B.A. (Honors), 2000, University of California, Berkeley Ph.D., 2006, University of New Mexico email: [email protected] Ph: (0)2 9065 1997
am recruiting PhD students with interests in animal evolutionary ecology, thermal ecology, phenotypic plasticity, sex allocation. Please email me with any inquiries and tell me what interests you.
Current Lab Members
Davey Dor (PhD, 2022 - ) - Nest relocation and early lifeof green sea turtles Daphne Willemsen (PhD, 2024 - ) - Conflict between native wildlife and human development Emma Collins (Honours, 2024) - Rehabilitation success in western ringtail possums Rory O'Connell (Honours, 2024) - Impact of vegetation cover on the thermal ecology of arid zone lizards Kane Durrant (Honours, 2024) - Comparison of turtle survey methods
Past Lab Members Post-docs
Dr. Julia Riley (Endeavour Postdoctoral Fellow 2018) - reptile cognition
Dr. Jussi Lehtonen (VC Postdoctoral Fellow 2016 - 2018) - theory of sex and sex allocation
Dr. Thomas Merkling (Endeavour Postdoctoral Fellow and Fyssen Visiting Fellow, 2016-17) - meta-anlayses of physiological correlates of offspring sex ratio in birds and mammals
Ph.D. Students
Rebecca Raynal (Ph.D., 2024 ) - Impacts of temperature on development and physiology
Phil Pearson (Ph.D. 2023), University of Canberra - The maternal influence on fitness correlates in a lizard with sex reversal
Claudia Crowther (Ph.D. 2023), University of New South Wales - A shifting switch: How plasticity shapes the evolution of environmental sex determination
Kris Wild (Ph.D. 2022), University of Canberra - The ecological and evolutionary significance of sex-reversal in Australian lizards
Mitchell Hodgson (Ph.D. 2021), University of New South Wales - Thermal physiology and behaviour of ectotherms: How evolution and plasticity define responses to temperature and climate.
Maria Boyle (Ph.D. 2013), University of Canberra - Consequences of temperature-dependent sex determination for population persistence and range change under warming climates.
Honours Students
Daphne Willemsen (Honours, 2023) - Ecological determinants of kangaroo abundance and behaviour in an arid habitat
Shirley Chia (Honours, 2022) - Animal diversity in relation to natural variation in vegetation
Lewis Loncar (Honours, 2022) - Insect assemblages associated with Mulga trees
Davey Dor (Honours 2021) - snail host life history response to trematode parasites
Rachel Irwin (Honours 2019) - costs of thermoregulation
Emily Rayner (Honours 2017/18) - developmental effects on cognition in reptiles
Louis Dardare (Honours 2017) - modelling sperm limitation
Gracie Liu (Honours 2017) - hormonal mediators of maternal effects in jacky dragons
Rebecca Pacey (Honours 2017) - sources of colour pattern variation in jacky dragon hatchlings
Janelle So (Honours 2017) - thermal parental effects on thermal preferences and limits